FaxPress Premier WebHelp: User Guide > Creating Cover Pages

Creating Cover Pages

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A cover page is a prepared, fax-ready document that the FaxPress Premier can attach as the first page to an outgoing fax or send independently with a short message. Typically, a cover page contains recipient and sender information. A cover page can also include additional text, graphics, and substitution variables.

Typical substitution variables might include the recipient's name and fax number, your return voice number and fax number, the date and time, and a brief message. The variable information corresponds to the Send Fax interface information fields.

For fax broadcasting or other kinds of high volume faxing, using imprint headers may be more practical than using cover pages. See the Imprint Header chapter in the FaxPress Premier Administrator Guide for more information.

Personal and Corporate Cover Pages

There are two types of cover pages for FaxPress Premier:

Personal Cover Page Personal cover pages are used only for your own outgoing faxes. You can create up to eight personal cover pages and choose between them at the time you send a fax. All Personal cover pages created and published from the Administrator account automatically become available to all users.

Corporate Cover Page — Corporate cover pages are used by default for faxes of users without personal cover pages. If you are a FaxPress Premier Administrator, or user with Administrator privileges, you can create a corporate cover page. Users may also select a corporate rather than personal cover page for their fax. Corporate cover pages are discussed in detail in theFaxPress Premier Administrator Guide.

Cover Page Templates

The Personal Folders view provides access to the FaxPress Premier Cover Page Templates folder. The most convenient, reliable way to create a new, customized cover page is to use or modify an existing template. The sample templates provide the fax keyword fields required for cover pages used with the FaxPress Premier. Castelle strongly recommends that you use the provided Cover Page Templates to create your personal and company Cover Pages.

The Cover Page Templates folder includes two sets of templates:

Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates – created using the PCL-based Castelle Cover Page Editor, Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates support English-only cover pages.

WordPad Templates – created using WordPad, these cover page templates, in addition to supporting English, also support the use of international characters on your cover pages. The WordPad cover page templates may also be modified using Microsoft Word.

Both the WordPad Templates folder and the Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates folder each contain Generic, Urgent and Confidential templates for you to use in creating custom cover pages.

The default PCL cover page and the Castelle Cover Page Editor Templates do not support the use of non-English, international characters. If you need to use international characters, create cover pages based on the WordPad templates.

International (Non-English) Character Support

For the Premier to support the use of international characters on fax cover pages, fax cover page templates must be created and saved using either Microsoft WordPad or Word. Microsoft WordPad supports international characters (including English characters) in the templates and content of your fax cover and message body pages.

See Creating Cover Pages for International Character Support for information on creating corporate cover pages that will support the use of non-English characters.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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